Fabio Melloni

Fabio Melloni

President and Co-founder

He was an official of the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs first and, later, of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation...

Andrea Borgarello

Andrea Borgarello

Executive Director and Co-founder

Professional photographer since 2006, he has worked with various international organisations including the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the International Organisation for...

Federica Anfosso

Federica Anfosso

Vice-president and Co-founder

An economist and public finance expert, she was project manager for the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Mozambique, financial coordinator and country representative...

Monica Peruzzi

Monica Peruzzi

Vice-President and Chief of Communication

As a Sky Tg24 journalist, she is a columnist for the Quotidiano Nazionale (La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino, Il Giorno). A news anchor and reporter, she has covered the main foreign...

Fabrizio Falcone

Fabrizio Falcone

Board member and Co-founder

A Sociologist of Mass Communications, he worked for over a decade with the Italian Development Cooperation, in particular managing humanitarian emergencies as an Expert Programme...

Paolo Fratter

Paolo Fratter


He is a journalist for Sky TG24 since its inception in 2003. In addition to working on the news in studios, as a correspondent, he has been able to follow on the field many events that...